
RE:WIRE – Hypnotherapy (Rapid Transformational Therapy) x Soundbath with Elles Ottens

Harmonize body, mind & spirit.

1. April 19:30-21:30

ALKEMY Studio 1040
Gußhausstrasse 2, 1040 Wien

€38 for ALKEMY Members/ €45 regular

Are you ready to reset your mindset, release self-doubt and welcome a profound sense of self-love?
Are you ready to gain new insights about old limiting patterns that block you from stepping into your potential?
Are you ready to find a deep state of wellness and relaxation?

Then this unique and vers special workshop is for you!

This workshop will be held only in english!

Did you know that 80 to 95 percent of our decisions are influenced by our subconscious mind? Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) allows you to alter limiting beliefs that are rooted in your subconscious mind. Through guided visualizations and meditative practices, Elles helps you get into a theta state – a realm where you can connect with your subconscious mind, connect with your inner child and rewrite outdated beliefs that no longer serve you. All while the frequencies of Julia’s sound bath allow you to enter a state of “being” rather than “acting.”, promoting a release of serotonin allowing the body to relax and recover. Together, we’ll reset your mindset, release self-doubt and welcome a profound sense of self-love.

After taking some time to arrive in the space and ground into the event, you will be guided through a Hypnosis accompanied by the healing frequencies of a sound bath. Elles Ottens, a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Rapid Transformational Therapist will guide you through this unique expierence. Julia Gaiger will accompany her with magical Sounds and healing Frequences of her sacred instruments (Akasha crystal singing Bowls, Koshis & chimes, ocean drum, gongs) to allow you to let go and sink into a deep state of relaxation.After softly being brought back from the Hypnosis there will be time for integration and journaling.

How to prepare for this workshop:

  • Take a journal and pen with you as you´ll gain new insights about old limiting patterns that block you from stepping into your potential.
  • Avoid caffeine 3 hours before the session.
  • Wear or bring warm comfortable loose fitting clothing to the event.


  • 2 hour immersion into Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)
  • 2h nurturing sound bath (with Akasha crystal singing Bowls, Koshis & chimes, cean drum, gongs, etc.)
  • Blankets, mats and bolsters are available at the Studio to provide full comfort
  • a healing expierience with a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapist

Together, we’ll reset your mindset, release self-doubt and welcome a profound sense of self-love. New insights about old limiting patterns that block you from stepping into your potential, and a deep state of wellness and relaxation.

Please Note: any RTT sessions should not be considered a replacement for the advice and/or services of a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or doctor. RTT is not advised if you have struggled with psychotic episodes, or are having a condition such as bipolar, epilepsy, schizophrenia, or borderline personality disorder.

more about Elles Ottens:
more about Julia:

Your Mentors

Shoot Elles-6 - Julia Geiger

Elles Ottens

Elles Ottens is a TEDx speaker, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT).

It is her mission to help ambitious go-getters level up their self-belief and reach their peak potential. She has helped 300+ entrepreneurs and high performers level up their high performance game through clinical hypnotherapy and RTT, collaborating with companies such as Soho House and yoga studios worldwide.

more about Elles
julia gaiger

Julia Gaiger

After teaching and precticing Yoga and other movement practices for years in 2023 Julia rediscovered the healing and nurturing power of sound.

As a sound bath facilitator Julia loves to offer the same healing and nurturing power in a safe and held environment during her sessions. Her focus teaching is to encourage participants to listen to their body and connect to their breath to help guide them through her strong, fluid flows.

more about Julia